I was hoping to have a page finish to show this week, but it hasn't quite happened. However I am nearly finished, a decent stitching time this weekend and I'll get this page done. There's no counting involved on this page, the back ground is one colour and the remainder of the hair is another, so it's mindless. I got loads done last night as Ben and I have a bit of a film sesh... RED (Helen Mirren, Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman) which I loved, it was action, silly and cheesy but very enjoyable, the Two Towers, which I love anyway, it's a good stitching film. So hopefully I'll get this page finished tomorrow.
I've got loads of pages that I'm half way through so I'm trying to get some stitching tidying up done at the moment. Ben's away for International Hermit and Stitch in a couple of weeks so I'm planning on really hermitting and stitching that weekend, I want to get loads done.
It's my birthday next weekend, so my progress may be a little late next week as Ben's taking me for a Jane Austen weekend in Bath, so excited! I'm debating getting some pretty Polstitches fabric for my birthday. I've been day dreaming on their site and over Joan Elliott's patterns for ages so I think that it might be time to take the leap and do both at once (although I really ought to finish something else first, but I'm not guaranteeing that that'll happen!)