First, my update of Dwarven Leader, it turns out that I had the perspective all wrong, what I thought was the beginning of his beard is actually where his eyes are going to be. I spent last weekend working on his face, so he does have a little bit more shape than he once did. I only work on him in short bursts

And here's Heather who I still love working on, but I think that I'm finally getting to the stage where I'm happy to put her away and work on something else without getting distracted by her again. We were playing a game on Facebook this week where we posted one picture containing all of our WIPs, my picture had 10 WIPs in it, 1 of the girls had 48 WIPs in her pic, so we're now all using her as out excuse if we want to start something new. I'm going to try and finish this page of Heather and Pride & Prejudice, and then I'm thinking that some older projects will see the light of day, it's about time that Lancelot & Guinevere, Chakra Fae and Winter's Majesty got some love. So I'm going to try and get a couple of page finishes in, then move on to some unlobed projects! And it's International Hermit & Stitch this weekend, and Ben's planning on going out a couple of times, giving me the perfect opportunity to actually settle to do some stitching!
Have fun!