
Sunday, 28 July 2013

Late again

My blogging has become most sporadic recently, I do apologise. Thank you for your patience my few remaining followers. Here's my latest update on Dictionary of Love, the end is almost in sight and I can almost believe that I might actually finish it in time, something that rarely happens, I don't like stitching to a deadline. But that's six done now, and I'm working on the seventh. Nearly three and the title to do. And I do still like it, which is rare when I'm on a deadline. It's all good!

Saturday, 13 July 2013

I decided to take a little break...

...from Dictionary of Love and work on something else for a week so that I didn't get bored and fall out of love with it. So I've managed another row on Lancelot and Guinevere (if I end up doing a row a week then it's going to take me a while to finish this project, although I've not had much time this week, so that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it). I do always enjoy this project, and having picked it up again I don't want to put it down again, but I'll be good and go back to Dictionary... got that time limit to think about.

Friday, 5 July 2013

All coming up Clover

Clover is what the latest square is, although I'm aware that, without the pack stitch, you can't really tell that yet. Hoping to get this finished within the next couple of days. I'm getting the urge to work on other projects which isn't good when I'm working to a deadline on this. I'm currently trying to decide whether I'm better to give myself a couple of weeks off to work on other things or whether I should just push through. I've got about 3 months left!