I have been a very bad blogger this month, flat stuff and holidays have got in the way of stitching and blogging. We were out of our flat for a couple of days while having some work done on our bathroom then went straight on holiday so blogging didn't happen. I do have updates but they're mostly crochet based. Here's the progression on the scarf I posted many moons ago. I say progress, I actually pulled it all out and started again so while I call it progress it's basically a brand new project. I've started to suspect that I pull my stitches too tight so I'm trying to rectify that, and this was the project that suffered for it. I am succeeding because I finished my gloves and one was slightly bigger than the other, so I know that I've managed to loosen my tension a bit. I've mostly managed to salvage the gloves so it's okay!

Next is my second attempt at a twiddle muff and I think I much prefer this one, for a few reasons. I decided to try working in the round which seems to have worked so there isn't an ugly join anywhere. You can see where the line is but it's a lot neater, and I think you can only really see it because I've just variegated wool so you can see the colour jump. I also much prefer this wool, it's chunky which helps, so it crocheted up really quickly, it also just feels much nicer, it has such a soft silky feel (and also quite cosy). I'me debating blanket plans with this wool (or this brand, not necessarily this colour, that's part of what I'm debating), it would be quite heavy but would be seriously snuggly!
I've also just started my first blanket (I'm a little obsessed with the idea of crocheted blankets at the moment), it's a lovely Attic 24 pattern and yarn pack. The foundation chain was 213 so I was very releaved when I finished the first row to find that it added up. :-)
Off to Yarndale this weekend so I foresee a lot more yarn and crochet in my future. Having said that I do have a lovely stitching project that I'm concentrating on at the moment, it's a gift and I don't think I have enough time so it is my main focus at the moment, with the crochet coming up when my neck can't take the stitching anymore, so I'll post of progress pick of where I'm up to with that at the weekend as well.