Okay, even by my standards, once a month is pretty poor, I'm sorry! I'm hoping that June will see normal service resume... I have no new excuses, the secret project continues to be secret (although it is also suddenly a lot closer to completion, woohoo), I'm three weeks off the wedding (hyperventilates quietly in a corner) and work is manic, meaning that I don't have much free time to do the stuff I need to do (for wedding and secrets), so I've got even less time left after all that to work on other things, I'm getting major stitching withdrawls, even projects that I know I get frustrated with really quickly are currently begging for me to pay attention to them. However, I have managed to scrape together a couple of pictures so that I have something to show. Firstly, three bridesmaids bouquets, they're not perfect, and when I look at projects that other people have posted, I get bouquet envy, but they're my colour scheme (not that I'm obsessed with purple or anything), and they're the book that I wanted them made out of as it's one of my favourite books (Good Omens if you're interested), and I made them so bleh to anyone else :-) Also, I'm aware that this is sacrilege to book lovers, so I apologise for that. Ben was laughing at me as it was causing me physical pain when I was taking the pages out of the book to use, although strangely it caused me less pain when it was his favourite book that I was dismantling. My only defence is that this was a rescue book, our local supermarket has a sad little shelf for unloved and generally quite abused books, and that's where I happened to find a copy of the book I needed, but it doesn't mean that I didn't wince when I took the cover off, I swear I heard a cry and would make no guarantees whether it was be or the book that made it.
I have got a vague idea for using up odds and ends that I'm playing with at the moment (because that's what I need, more projects), it's a future future future project but the idea is hanging around in my head, it's basically the yarn equivalent of a memory quilt!
In other news, I've just started talking about getting some bespoke charts done, squee! I'm a bit of a horror, if I fall in love with an artists work I approach them first and worry about when on earth I'm going to actually have time to stitch it later. So I already have two Paul Kidby pieces charted, one of which I've started and can been seen in my side bar. I've approached two other artists and had positive answers so am now talking to someone about the charting of one of those, I have sadly been turned down by one artist (don't get me wrong, completely her prerogative, but I'm sad that I won't be able to stitch it, as I'm far too honest to do so without her permission, and all the charters I've worked with thus far wouldn't without proof of permission anyway), and I'm in the process of trying to contact one more artist... it's normally on the scale of geeky that I approach, so watch this space :-)
As I say, I'm hoping the mojo will re-appear in June (ie I'l hopefully have free time again), and I'm thinking that there may be a couple of celebratory new starts in my future, but I already knew there were loads of things that I wanted to start over the next couple of years, so it's not exactly surprising. Happy crafting everyone!