Firstly, thank you so much for everyone who sent me congratulations last week, I have finally stopped being giddy (mostly because I've now realised that we've got a wedding plan, and that's in no way scary, but we've got a couple of long car journeys ahead of us, captive audience conversations, it'll be fine).
Secondly, crafting, you know, the thing this blog is actually about (I'll try to keep wedding panics to a minimum, but I'm not guaranteeing that they won't happen). So, I finished the baby blanket off, it's not actually that different to last weeks post, as I decided to go for a simple, one round of triples in lemon, but I do still quite like it, now I've just got to organise a visit with the little dude and his parents to pass it on.
And here's the beginning of the next baby blanket, I do so love variegated yarn, it avoids all those tedious yarn changes (and all that darning in), although I do have some lovely colour strip plans in my future, you know with my copious free time. Anyway, this is using Magic Light by Ice Yarns (again) and the pattern is Cosy Strip by Attic 24, just without the actually striping. I do love her patterns and can see myself making many variations of both this and her ripple blanket in the not too distant future.

Finally, a tiny bit of me stitching (because that's what I need in my life, more me stitching that I don't have time to work on). Geckorouge had a sale recently with an additional 10% off on existing member discounts, and I was very weak and ended up with two kits (this when my next members kit is due in a couple of months anyway). This is, obviously, one of those, it's Cara Mia Mon Chere
by Medusa Dollmaker, and I'm completely in love with it. I actually started it last Friday before we went for our weekend away and so in my head it has sort of become linked with our engagement, and it has a sort of romantic theme, if you think about it, so it has now become my engagement project. Chances of it being finished before the wedding, zero! Chances that working on it will make me happy, very! So in to the rotation it goes. I'll finish something, one day, in the dark and distant future.
by Medusa Dollmaker, and I'm completely in love with it. I actually started it last Friday before we went for our weekend away and so in my head it has sort of become linked with our engagement, and it has a sort of romantic theme, if you think about it, so it has now become my engagement project. Chances of it being finished before the wedding, zero! Chances that working on it will make me happy, very! So in to the rotation it goes. I'll finish something, one day, in the dark and distant future.
And talking of new starts (and ignoring the fact that I have a new start list a mile long), I've half got it in my head to make a wedding present for Ben, I'm just mulling over ideas for that at the moment (along with when I think I'm going to do it).
Like your choice for finishing the baby blanket - sometimes simple is the most effective. Hmmm, 1 finish, 2 starts - this does not bode well! lol Just enjoy the journey and don't fuss about it. Everything in it's time.
One of these days I'm going to splurge on a GeckoRouge project, I just can't justify the expense! I wish they sold just the charts! But I love watching your progress, so I'm living vicariously through you!
Great idea! Lovely progress too :)
Don't worry honey I bought one of the massive Colin Thompson GR kits. It meant I had to eat bread and wine for a week but well worth it. I love Cara Mia and it's a perfect engagement/marriage stitch as they were the ultimate couple!!
xo Alicia
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