And secondly, my New Year, New Start, what's the New Year without an exciting new start. And this beautiful young lady will be my New Start. Belle in the Mucha style by Hannah Alexander. She has done most of the Disney Princesses and they are all being charted, with back stitch (shock, when did I last willingly do back stitch?) and pretty bling. I'm slowly collecting all of them, but so far I only have three Princesses, and they're limited edition as well, I was basically doomed the second I saw a friend working on Tiana and she pointed my in the direction of where to get them. I want them all, and I want them all now!
Secondly I have the lovely Harley Quinn, who I'm going to put away now seeing as Belle is due out in a couple of days now. Technically I've got my page finish as I combined a partial page and a full page, the partial page is finished, and I've technically got a foot as well, it doesn't look like much but there is definitely a foot there, and we've got the beginning of her skirt/cloak as well. Although I did suddenly realise the other day that there is going to come a point when I'm stitching her crotch, and that's probably going to be a slightly weird few days for me.
Finally, finished the sheep hat, I finally finished it, I'm so proud, even if it does look like a slightly deranged cat, but it's finished so I'll have to take that as a win, and hope that the friends whose little one this is for will be forgiving.
Belle is a lovely new start - good luck. Love the sheep hat and so will the little one I'm sure.
Great choice I'm excited to watch you stitch her :) Great job finishing the hat!
Nawww I love your sheep hat and I think it does look like a sheep. You're too hard on yourself, it's great.
Love Belle, too. The first thing I thought too when I saw this was that it was very Mucha-ish. Who is an artist I love too.
Great start on your Harlequin, hope the croctch-stitching isn't too awkward LOL!
xo Alicia
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